Winter Carnival 2005

This is the button of the 2005 Winter Carnival in Saranac Lake, NY. Garry Trudeau has designed the buttons for quite a while now and each year they look very nice. The background is that bureau that I bought 2 weeks ago which has polished up pretty well but still looks quite rustic. I wish all the dents and scratches in my hide made me look more interesting, like it does on this bureau--on me it just looks old!


Anonymous said…
Hello Michelle Sent Me...

cute button... and the bureau has a nice finish to it. :)
Anonymous said…
Great looking button!

Michele sent me here.
Anonymous said…
Guess who sent me?
Anonymous said…
That picture is beautiful. Hope you enjoy your new boat.
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the visit today. The whitewater rafting thing? Gah...It's a shame, too, because I love being on the water. Maybe another time.

It's such a small world. I was in your town today for a couple of hours killing time at Lazy Daze. I look forward to reading more here.
Anonymous said…
Great button especially the nose on that guy.

Michele sent me, hope you're having a great weekend.
utenzi said…
While I don't know for sure, from the comments above it seems like some folks aren't familiar with Trudeau. He's the fellow that draws the comic strip Doonesbury. I never considered that the heritage wasn't obvious from the character Zonker on the button. My bad.
Anonymous said…
Party on. Michele sent me.
Anonymous said…
Hey! Here from Michele's what an awesome blog!!
Anonymous said…
Is Zonker holding a beer mug or a sugar dispenser?

Michele sent me.
Anonymous said…
Hiya!!! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I thought I'd swing by and check yours out quickly. Great button! But who's Gary Trudeau? (Forgive me, I'm Australian.) :o)
utenzi said…
And cute as the proverbial button, Yaeli. Alas, too young and far away though. LOL

Gary Trudeau is a cartoonist who inks Doonesbury which is a comic strip that originally lampooned Yale University when Trudeau was a student there, and later became a very political cartoon and often appears on the editorial page of newspapers not the cartoon page. He's mellowed a bit in his middle age though.
utenzi said…
Hey Kenju. I'd guess that it's a beer mug though Zonker's drug of choice would be pot--unless he too has changed over the years.
Anonymous said…
Utenzi--Michele did not send me :) I just had to have a little fun there. I felt a little left out with all the Michele references.

Trudeau & I have a love/hate relationship. Sometimes I really like what he does & other times it flies right over my head (but only when I'm a blonde).

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