My Deck

For some reason this plant loves my deck.
It visits every year, but not early. It never seems to
really get going until mid-July. But once it starts growing....
Look out! It just goes crazy!
It's really pretty and so vibrant but it's so fast growing
that it'll often grow right in through the support arms for
my awning. It's nearly as bad as KUDZU! Heaven forbid.
This is how it looks from where I sit on my deck. This is in the back of my house. It's just on the one side but I might get cuttings and put up an arbor to grow it on. I'd have to have something that would grow early in the year also else the arbor would look barren until July--and I
don't want that. Any suggestions?
This is the outside of my deck near the
driveway. You can see one of the support
arms for my awning. The awning makes
it a lot more pleasant to be outside when
it's really hot and sunny in the Summer.
Some iced tea, cookies and a book. Great
way to spend the evening! Though the usual
thing I'm doing is mowing! That damn grass
grows almost as fast as this invasive vine...


Anonymous said…
More pretty photos! That plant reminds me of when I was little, living on the central coast of NSW. We used to have a whole fence covered in that stuff! The flowers always remind me of skirts or dresses. Weeds always have such lovely flowers! :o)
Anonymous said…
Looks morning glory'ish but I dont think they come back yearly. Its very pretty. Your bug below is cool looking too :) melzie
utenzi said…
Melzie gets the prize. Morning glory it is. I used to call it a "anus plant" because when the blooms were starting the buds looked like a... well, I think you get it. :-) Morning Glory sounds so much more pleasant. Even glorius!
Anonymous said…
I love morning glories...especially the blue heaven variety. Great pictures! I wish I could offer advice, but I have the black thumb of death when it comes to plants. Wisteria is a nice early blooming climbing vine & clematis is summer. That is the extent of my plant wisdom.
utenzi said…
Thanks, Chris. I love the way wisteria smells so that'd be a great one to have. Honeysuckle is another favorite. Anything that smells nice, in fact.
Anonymous said…
Lovely photos of a very graceful flower! I wish I still had my green thumb. It seems recenlty I've become more of a plant killer. :(
utenzi said…
Thanks, Stacey. I really doubt you're a killer.
Anonymous said…
Morning glories do come back--but they usually revert to the less attractive white variety, so I am surprised you have these lovelies. Consider yourself special.

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