3 pictures


Anonymous said…
Great pictures! Especially the one with the beautiful pinks and blues in the misty sky.

That's also just the cutest cat!
utenzi said…
Looks can be deceiving, Utopia. I refer to that cat as "Bad Penny" because no matter what you do he always comes back. Dammit.

Thank you for the compliments on the pictures!
Anonymous said…
i'm visiting via lois lane's blog.
these are amazing photos.
i think i could sit in the last pic for weeks at a time. simply beautiful.
utenzi said…
Thanks, Patricia. That's the nice thing about kayaking--you can just settle in and gaze at the scenery so much easier than if you were in a canoe.
Anonymous said…
Oh great pictures Dave! Absolutely beautiful scenery.
utenzi said…
Thanks, Robin. Given how nice your photography is, that's high praise indeed.
Anonymous said…
Bad Penny sounds adorable! I'd be interested to know what he scored on the personality test!
Photos are just wonderful :)
Anonymous said…
I'm a sucker for nice nature/landscape pics.
utenzi said…
Thanks Michelle and Anvilcloud. I never thought to give the test to Pippin (Bad Penny's real name) but I do know he'd do well on the extravert scale. The cat loves everyone. But it's all a front, I'm sure. Cats are evil.
Anonymous said…
Oh these are great! I especially like the one of the cat. The contrast between blue/red is just remarkable, and the lighting effect is perfect!
utenzi said…
Thanks, Stacey. I got lucky on the lighting--I really wasn't sure at all how it'd turn out.
Anonymous said…
Bottom picture is just awesome!
utenzi said…
Thank you Chris and it's good to see that Diane's got her Internet connection up and running. I'm sure you both were working hard on moving stuff around.
Anonymous said…
That last one is particularly lovely.

Stopping by from Michelle's.
utenzi said…
Thanks for visting, Dena.

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